How to find us?

Rancho Stokrotka is located in Jarków – a small vilage in the Kłodzko Valley. Jarków is situated roughly 6 km away from Kudowa-Zdrój and Poland- Czech Republic border crossing.

You can get to us by various means:

·        By train.

You can travel to a Czech city called Náchod or a Polish village Lewin Kłodzki. We can pick you up by car from either destination if you call us beforehand. (jest też linia z zachodu czech co przekracza w międzylesiu pociągiem chyba)

·        By car

Polish national road 8 e bez sensu bo z roznych miejsc moga jechac

·        By bus

Tu będize trzeba coś, że wrocłąw – kudowa. Albo może coś Praga – Wrocław się zatrzymuje